North Carolina Babies

Greenville Area Moms

I will be moving to Greenville the last week in December. Looking for other Mom's to connect with. Thinking about joining local mom group also :)

Re: Greenville Area Moms

  • Unfortunately, there are no mommies from Greenville on here (unless there are some lurkers). ?I lived in Greenville up until about 2 years ago, and after I had my son, I did not have very many mommy friends. ?That being said, it is a small town, so you may be surprised at how quickly you make friends.I will warn thqt it tends to be a bit clique-y in some circles......Are you moving down for a job? ?If you work at ECU (especially Brody Med School) they are a pretty tight knit group, and the doctors at PCMH seem to be pretty tight knit, also. ?

    Feel free to post on here or the NC nest if you have any questions for me (there are a few mommies on here who went to college there also). ?My H and I go up there a lot during football season, and every few months to see friends the rest of the year. ?Maybe we can schedule a meetup!!

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