
Night 2 of 6 m/o & 20 m/o sleeping in the same room+

It was a nightmare last night because my 6 m/o still wakes to eat every night & this sometimes be 1-2 times...I ended up taking the 6 m/o out at 1230 last night when she woke the older one up..I just felt bad..put the 6 m/o in the bassinet in our room & she slept like gold until bottle, I was shocked...she went about 12 hours w/ no bottle.....tonight, I put them both down at 745 or so & it took over a half hour of them both screaming, which I really don't know how long I can take it for, but I hear nothing now.....until a couple of hours from now when someone wakes someone up....not sure how long I will be able to stick it out....I may put my 6 m/o in w/ my 4 yr old son across the hall only because he can sleep through a bomb & won't get disrupted should I have to come in & give her a bottle.  I can literally change the kid out of his clothes & into pj's & he still won't wake up, he falls asleep easily too unlike my 20 m/ we'll see....this is very hard.  Stinks they have to share a room.
Married since 8.17.03
Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

Re: Night 2 of 6 m/o & 20 m/o sleeping in the same room+

  • my girls have been sharing a room since DD#2 was about 7 months old (and still nursing at night), and sound machines saved us... it was so loud in there that DD#1 never woke up when I went in to nurse... of course, I had to jump up and bolt into the room at the first peep I heard through the monitor, but the noise machine helped a ton... good luck- it def. gets better!!
    A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garrett
    image7_0002 A ~ 2.7.06 S ~ 9.2.07
  • All I can say is give it time.  I think it took the girls a few days (a week at most) to learn to sleep through each other's night noises - including DD#2 waking up to BF at least once or twice a night.  After that, they never hear each other - not even the screaming.  They hear me when I tip toe in the room to check on them, but don't hear each other screaming.  It gets better.
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  • This is encouraging ladies!!!  So tell me, which sound machines do you use?  I have an aquarium crib toy (Fisher Price) on one of the cribs & need to get another.....what else do I need?  Do share!
    Married since 8.17.03
    Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

  • I just have an iPod with some Rockabye Baby albums on it.  (The Eagles and Beatles, I think).  I put that on low for the girls but that's just them going to sleep.

    I know a lot of ladies here use white noise machines and have good luck with them.  I really wanted the girls to learn to sleep through just about anything so we didn't get one.

  • Re: noise machines: I just use a really loud air purifier- it sounds like a freaking wind storm in there!

    Interestingly enough, they're able to sleep without it, like when we're traveling or something, but if they're both in the same room, I always have some type of white noise- air purifier, fan, even a static-y radio station works!

    A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garrett
    image7_0002 A ~ 2.7.06 S ~ 9.2.07
  • Wow, thank you so much, good to know!!!
    Married since 8.17.03
    Mom to Richard 7.24.05, Ava 3.27.08, Isabella 5.19.09 & Timothy 10.22.14

  • I may have asked this before, but I don't remember the answer.  Why don't you put the older two together?  We just did that, and it's gone pretty well.

    We have the Homedics white noise machines from Bed Bath and Beyond, and they really help. 

  • It will get easier, especially when the 6mo stops waking at night to be fed.  We just kept Logan in our room until 15 months (when he FINALLY slept through the night), and then transitioned him to sharing with Ava.  She was almost 3 at the time.  But it took a week or so for them to get used to it, too.  Now they have a hard time falling asleep if the other one ISN'T in there!

    I think putting the littlest one in with your 4 year old is a pretty good idea - at least a good temporary solution.  If everyone ends up with more sleep, it sounds like a win.  good luck!

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