It was a loooooong day, but we are so happy to report that our little bean appears healthy, with a strong (156-ish) heartbeat!
A little disappointed in my new health insurance through work, though - discovered when we arrived for our 9:20am appt that the insurance doesn't allow in-office ultrasounds! How ridiculous is THAT?? So after the really long medical history appointment, they were kind enough to arrange an ultrasound at the hospital for us - which we'll have to do now for any of them.
I must say, they were quite thorough - 2 hours LATER, after external AND internal ultrasounds, I finally got to see a picture and a heartbeat. I was scared to death not knowing what was going on...and they wouldn't let my husband in there with me until the very, very end.
Haha - I finally got to work at 3pm!!! Crazy!!
The picture's all worth it though
Re: We have a healthy bean!
***Baby #3: BFP Mother
What a beautiful image! A huge congratulations!
My insurance sucks for anything in the hospital (in or outpatient) but has no problem with most in office things at all. You just never know. Most pgs don't get more than 2 u/s though, so hopefully it won't be too much of an issue for you.
Again, congratulations!!!
Our Thanksgiving Day baby 11/22/07
Pregnant with #2 with LPD, uterine polyp/hysteroscopy, DOR (AMH = 0.17), 2 c/ps
Our early Christmas present 12/9/10