North Carolina Babies

We have a healthy bean!

It was a loooooong day, but we are so happy to report that our little bean appears healthy, with a strong (156-ish) heartbeat!

A little disappointed in my new health insurance through work, though - discovered when we arrived for our 9:20am appt that the insurance doesn't allow in-office ultrasounds!  How ridiculous is THAT??  So after the really long medical history appointment, they were kind enough to arrange an ultrasound at the hospital for us - which we'll have to do now for any of them.

I must say, they were quite thorough - 2 hours LATER, after external AND internal ultrasounds, I finally got to see a picture and a heartbeat. I was scared to death not knowing what was going on...and they wouldn't let my husband in there with me until the very, very end.

Haha - I finally got to work at 3pm!!!  Crazy!!

The picture's all worth it though Big Smile


Married - October 16, 2005
Mama to William Nathaniel - October 7, 2006

And Natalie Frances - June 24, 2010

Re: We have a healthy bean!

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