North Carolina Babies

PSA: doublecheck your thermometer

So, a lot of you have been hearing me talk about Liam's fever that wouldn't go away.  He really was sick, he's had 2 colds and 3 ear infections since the beginning of October, but also this mysterious fever of 100-101 that wouldn't go away no matter how long he stayed on antibiotics.

I started getting suspicious when I would bring him into the pedi and he would temp normal there.  So I used the backup thermometer from our safety kit that I'd never used before last night, and he registered normal on that but a fever on the fancy Safety 1st one we've been using since birth.  To be sure, I went out this morning and bought a new thermometer, and just checked him before his nap.  He registered 98.2 on the new one, and 100.2 on the old one!  That is a HUGE discrepancy!

I feel horrible that I've pulled him out of playdates and classes and given him Tylenol several times over the past month and a half when he probably didn't have a fever at all.   Anyway, after this I would suggest having 2 thermometers and checking with both from time to time to make sure you're getting an accurate result!

And...very glad and relieved to finally know that my little one is okay and doesn't actually have a fever at all! :)

Rachel & Bill 9-10-05, Liam Andrew born 5-30-08 (formerly lakebride05)
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Re: PSA: doublecheck your thermometer

  • Ooh. Good tip. I use a Vicks rectal one, and the only back up ones I have are under the tongue, so those probably won't work. Poor Liam, I am glad he is OK though.
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  • thanks for sharing..bummer that he's prolly be fever free longer then u realized!! glad to hear hes better and i will def. check themometers like that too!!
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  • Glad to hear he's not really feeling sick anymore!  We had a similar thing happen but it was saying she was only 95 degrees!.  We had to get a backup because of that incident too.
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  • Glad he is feeling better. Thanks for the tip! I guess it never hurts to double-check.
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