North Carolina Babies

what does carpal tunnel feel like?

My right hand fingers have gone all tingly and I have a dull ache in my wrist.  Is it a tumor?  Or carpal tunnel?

I've been an editing fool lately, so I think that's why I'm noticing it more.

Re: what does carpal tunnel feel like?

  • sound slike carpel tunnel to me.  i had it a lot when i was pregnant.  from sitting at a computer all day long.
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  • I had it SO bad when I was pregnant and after delivery, I still have it. Bascially for me from that fatty pad area under your thumb on your hand all the way up to my thumb and down the side of my wrist was numb/tingly and my fingers were very stiff and hard to bend.
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  • It sounds like it to me, I do a lot of computer and lab work that require lots of small repetitive hand movements.  I had it before I got pg and it was worse when I was pg.  You can get a wrist brace to help support your hands and relieve some of the pain and tingling. 
  • Sounds like carpal tunnel to me, too. I also had a bad case during pregnancy. My fingers would be numb and then get so stiff it hurt to move them. I also had pain in my wrist. I had a wrist brace which did help some. Wearing the brace at night while I slept helped a lot.

  • ditto all pp.  I had it before pg, during pg and still.  I get numbing in my fingers, my wrist has shooting pains and my fore arm all the way up to my elbow throb.  My wrist brace didn't help much when I was pg but it helps a lot now.  I mostly wear it when I sleep.
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