North Carolina Babies

CIO sucks

Coming from a mommy who thought she'd never have to let her baby CIO.  She turned 6 months and decided that falling asleep was somehow torture.  How on earth will we survive this?  Three days and nights of fighting sleep (naps and nighttime).  I've given in to just nursing her to sleep, but it doesn't always work. 

CIO sucks, sucks, sucks.  I know most everyone goes through it... there is a light at the end of this tunnel, right?

The only slightly amusing part is that she screams, "mamamamamamamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"  

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Re: CIO sucks

  • Its tough...but yes there is a light at the tunnel!  It WILL be worth it!!  Get a cup of coffee that just try to focus on that while she's crying.
  • I've already had 2 cups this morning :(  I got a whopping 4 hours of sleep last night. 

    The worst part of her crying is the coughing/choking sounds she makes.  She gets so worked up and it just breaks my heart.  It is SO hard to not go pick her up, but I know that makes it worse (the second she sees me she screams a lot harder).

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  • I gave up this week.  With my DH OOT and my mom here, I just give in to her crying and nurse her.  It's so crazy that my once perfectly happy sleeper is the WORST now.   

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  • I am sorry you are having a tough time, sleep issues sucks.  Will woke up multiple times at night until 8 months.  That was the "magical" age for us..... At 8 months he started sleeping 10-12 hours straight.  We never did the CIO thing, I figured he'd eventually sleep and thankfully he did!  Although I did let him CIO a couple of weeks ago b/c I knew at that point it was just wanting mommy and nothing else.... Thankfully he only cried for 15 min.

    Hang in there!
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  • I'm to the point now where I go in once to give him his binky and I calmly explain to him the benefits of calming down.  He sort of quiets down while I pet his head and then he starts back up ten times worse than it was before.  So now I'm thinking going in to soothe him is part of the problem.  Oh 7 month old child, you are so good at manipulating me already!

    Do you ever wonder if your neighbors can pick up your child's screams on their cellphone when you have the monitor on?  No?  Yeah, me neither...

  • I am sorry Emily has decided to not sleep. What is she thinking, she needs her beauty rest (and so do you). I have had to resort to CIO for naps some days and I hate it because I am always on the brink of going to get her when she finally stops crying.

    It is cute that she says mamammama, at least that can make it a little bearable for you. Hope things get better!

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  • 7miles - I'm almost certain our neighbors can hear her without picking up a rogue monitor signal; the child has LUNGS.  Thankfully the wind howling is rivaling her today.

    She finally quieted down and I'm debating shower or nap.  I think a hot shower will do me some good since I'm a terrible napper.

    Thanks for all the support ladies!

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  • It definitely gets better!  But it is so worth it to get them to fall asleep on their own.  We weren't successful with CIO until around 5.5 mo and then really she would only STTN on her own for a few days here, then relapse, then another few days there until around 9 mo. when she started consistently STTN.  Of course, even now we still have nights where she needs extra snuggles before bed or wakes up at night but they are pretty infrequent.  Good luck!

    I found the Sleep Easy Solution book to be very helpful for Natalie.

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