When did your LO start babbling and making consonant sounds? ?Owen still does not do this and I am getting concerned because this is a 6 month milestone, and the ped keeps bringing it up. ?
I have a video of Will on my phone saying " da da" for the first time (he was just babbling, he was not referencing DH)...... Just checked my phone and it was July 20th, so he was almost 7 months. Don't be discouraged, they all advance at their own pace!
I dont remember when Jack started babbling but i wanted to tell u not to worry too much about it. Some babies might not be big talkers...kind of like how some adults are quieter and dont talk much. i know with talking boys tend to be a little slower so mabye thats true with babbling...if i remember correctly kateland i thought said Henry didnt talk a lot either as a baby. i may be wrong on that one...
Just shy of 6 months. I remember calling DH and having him listen to her over the phone. Then we went to my parents and she was doing it and my sister freaked out because she had seen her a week before and she wasn't doing it. She does the dadadada babababa gooo goo gaa gaaa.
But honestly I wouldn't pay attention to milestones. Jocelyn didn't roll from back to front until that same time and every other baby was. She still isn't pulling up or crawling all that well, and a lot of babies are at her age. Every baby is different.
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DD was doing it for about a week constantly, about 3 weeks ago, but has since stopped. She was making 'ara' sounds, which was cute b/c our dogs name is Cara and we joked that her first word was going to be the dogs name. She's now onto making funny cooing noises while breathing in/out of her mouth.
He definitely coos, yells, makes noises and when he is eating will say mmmmmm and make these weird noises that sound like there are some l's in there. ?But he doesn't just say babadadamamagaga. ?I know every baby is different, and he is hitting all other milestones. ?I just want to make sure if there is an issue, especially with his NF that we get EI and get on it early.
ashley's right, well, mostly... henry started to babble around 7 months. he babbled non-stop for a few weeks and pretty much didn't start again until over a year. i was slightly worried, but not anymore.
he also said his first word around 11 months, but has since stopped. babies aren't as good at multi-tasking as we are, so if he's working on a skill, like crawling, he'll not bother with talking.
I just checked and it was about 7.5 months that she started babbling. She started "yelling" around 3 months, but didn't really made sounds or words until 7.5.
Re: Babbling?
Just shy of 6 months. I remember calling DH and having him listen to her over the phone. Then we went to my parents and she was doing it and my sister freaked out because she had seen her a week before and she wasn't doing it. She does the dadadada babababa gooo goo gaa gaaa.
But honestly I wouldn't pay attention to milestones. Jocelyn didn't roll from back to front until that same time and every other baby was. She still isn't pulling up or crawling all that well, and a lot of babies are at her age. Every baby is different.
ashley's right, well, mostly... henry started to babble around 7 months. he babbled non-stop for a few weeks and pretty much didn't start again until over a year. i was slightly worried, but not anymore.
he also said his first word around 11 months, but has since stopped. babies aren't as good at multi-tasking as we are, so if he's working on a skill, like crawling, he'll not bother with talking.
DD started around 6 months..it was mostly dadadada. She also said hada. And when she's really mad, she'll say mamama. Figures.