Let me tell you, sometimes I wonder what the hell his mother is thinking. She sent over his stuff so I could pack. I won't let her pack, because last time half his clothes were obviously pulled out of the hamper based ont he smell of his luggage...but I digress.
She sent about 6 pairs of shorts, which is fine because I bought him some. She sent about 4 shirts. We are going for 10 days. 2 of them are very obviously too small. And the best part...one pair of boxers. Really?? for 10 days? And dh wonders why I wanted to pack for him!
Re: So, I'm packing for ss for our trip
Oh she didn't...she just sent his clothes. We don't keep clothes at both houses. because WE buy them all and she takes them home. So don't make assumptions.
The reason she packed last time is because she and her bf decided to take a trip to the same place at the same time as us. He went with them, but stayed with us the whole week.
She shouldn't have to mom2one but I'll tell you what --- I will ALWAYS pack for my kids --- stepmoms or not. They are MY kids.
That said --_ WOW! She sounds like she really is a ding dong OR she is passively aggressively trying to tell you what mom2one just told you!
Eeek - good thing you are onto her! That sounds awful but the one pair of boxers is pretty hillarious!
She sent over a basket of laundry. I did not expect her to do anything, I even washed it all. I would not expect her to pack for him. And like I said, we buy all of his things. It's not like she's sending over anything she paid for. I'll just have to go buy him some stuff.
mom2one obviously doesnt understand the dynamics of step-families
sometimes they are either totally clueless & stupid or sometimes they are so damn vindictive!