North Carolina Babies

"Why My Kid is Cute" by MrsHughes

In the past few weeks, Holly has started waving, clapping, and most recently, when we sing to her or play music, she'll "dance" (sway back & forth, or kind of bounce). It is adorable! All three melt my heart so much. Sometimes she'll wave or clap in her sleep.. hehe. She seems so proud of herself! I need to get them all on video.

What cute new tricks have your DC's learned lately?

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Re: "Why My Kid is Cute" by MrsHughes

  • Allie dances too... and it is adorable!!!  She also gives me the biggest, slimiest kissed when I get home from work!  And when she is crawling on the floor, we will crawl after her... and she will go real fast, and laugh... then roll over and just giggle like crazy!!
    imageBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Super cute! Caroline is right there too - no clapping yet, but dancing and waving!
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    ***Baby #3: BFP Mother

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  • I love them clapping and waving and dancing!! jack will dance to anythign...and now its a full body thing!! He is also signing more now!! he uses it when he wants something!!! its so cute!! we are working on please, thank you and milk!
    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Jeremiah learned to say "night night" and it is so adorable!!!  I thought maybe it was just an accident when I was getting ready to lay him down and said "Tell Daddy night night" and he said "night night".  We were shocked and wasn't sure if he knew what he was saying.  So we called for the girls to come in and tell him night night.  They both came in and gave him hugs and kisses and said "Night night Jeremiah" and he looked at them with the biggest smiles and said "night night!"  The girls were so excited you would have thought I told them Elmo was here, LOL!
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