My son James has to have surgery tomorrow and I have been borderline freaking out this week. He is having surgery to correct Hypospadias (you can click on the link to read about it)
It is an outpatient procedure but he had surgery at 20 days and did not do well with the anesthesia, he kept forgetting to breathe and he had to be on oxygen for a 24 hours. But he was less then a month old and barely 5 lbs then. He is now 7 months old and 17 lbs!
I have been having mini panic attacks this week in anticipation but I am trying to stay positive. Please send some thoughts and prayers our way. I will try to send an update afterwards.
Re: T & P for my little man
Poor little guy...I'll keep him & your family in my thoughts for a safe surgery & speedy recovery.
T&P for your LO.
keep us posted!