North Carolina Babies

2nd tri constipation... question.

What remedies do you recommend?  If I buy a container of prunes, do I eat 1 daily?  More?  Morning or night?  I try to eat a lot of fruit/veggies and some days will eat a Fiber One bar.  I've tried fiber pill supplements in college, they just upset my stomach and still produced no results.

I take stool softeners already and have had constipation issues (not in the past few years) all growing up.  I do NOT want to take a laxative (too harsh on my stomach) and have the "OK" from the pharmacist to do the glycerin suppositories, but they are a WAY last resort.



Re: 2nd tri constipation... question.

  • The one thing that helps me is coffee. ?I know you shouldn't drink it while pregnant, so I guess you could try decaf? ?Oh, and spicy food.

    IDK, pregnancy actually helped my issues :)

  • Have you tried high fiber oatmeal? And maybe switching to high fiber bread? Also, are you drinking enough water throughout the day?
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  • I do 1 cup of coffee every AM (couldn't give it up!- but it isn't working every day anymore) and drink water all day long- PLENTY of water.  I haven't tried high fiber oatmeal.  Will look into that!  I don't eat a lot of bread.
  • I feel your pain! Mine ended in the 3rd tri so hopefully yours will too.


    I have had bathroom issues since college.  When I was pregnant I took pericolace every day.  When I would have serious issues, I would take 2 every 6 hours until I went.  That seemed to help regulate it/jump start a regular movement for a few weeks.  Other than that, I just drank a TON of water.

  • Kals Shiit Cocktail!

    Warm up a cup of water until it is hot. Squeeze in a wedge of lemon.  Drink.  Rinse & repeat as necessary.

    This was my saving grace during pregnancy. 

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