Oh.my.goodness. The majority of his diaper change is done on his tummy which is obviously not easy. I guess this switch went off and he knows what he wants to do and he knows that he is not getting his way when I have him pinned down with my elbow while trying to lift his legs in the air to scoot the diaper under him and then he gets upset. We also end up with just about everything that starts on the table being on the floor.
I have given him the buckle to play with, his pants to play with and just about everything else but he is not happy until he is in a crawling position with one arm off the pad while he is teetering on the edge to see what is on the floor while he kicks off the wipe warmer. Actually, this makes me laugh when I think about it. It isn't that I am upset at all, I just feel like I need to get it under control early, if possible.
Any tips?
Re: battle of the wills aka diaper changes
I am glad to know I am not the only one that has resorted to the crib. I just try to at least cover the fountain before I move him over and then finish getting it on correctly and putting his clothes on in the crib.
Looks like floor will come next! Man, I loved having him at my level for diaper changes.
Katie, Duke Gardens, 6months
Zach, Duke Gardens, 6months
Photo courtesy from the amazing Ever You Photography!