DS had really bad reflux after he was born. After learning some tips and tricks (and putting him on a series of antacids), it seemed to be under control. About 6 months ago, we took him off the antacids as he seemed to be throwing up much more infrequently, usually a couple times a month max.
However, over the past 3 weeks, DS has been throwing up (everything in his little tummy) right before bed. After dinner, bath, PJs. Sometimes he has a bottle, sometimes not, Sometimes he is already in bed, others, he's just getting into his PJs. A couple of times during dinner even. I can't find any rhyme or rhythm to what he's eating, activies at the time, etc. except that is it always in the eveing. He's otherwise healthy, but hasn't put much weight in the last few months, so it has me a little worried.
If your child had reflux as an infant, did you LO still experience reflux after the first year? When did he/she come off the meds? Have any tips to share (other than burping, holding upright, etc.), as the little one's practically a toddler now.
Re: GERD after the first year?
Robbie still has it. He was born with some stomach issues and has had a couple of stomach surgeries, though.
That being said, it has come and gone. I almost thought he'd outgrown it at one point a few months ago. We went a few weeks w/o puke. Ha, yeah, not so much. We just had to up his meds again a couple of weeks ago because it got really ugly again. (w/o a real weight change, so who knows why.)
The only thing I can say is to keep a food journal and note puking and see if you can find a correlation. Maybe even try something minor like a little mylanta before bedtime?
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