The pics I'm printing are supposed to be high res. But when I upload them to mpix, it says they'll only print good up to 5x7. Excuse the stupid question, but how can I tell what the res on the pic is? I downloaded them off the CD I got.
ETA: Also, on mpix I have different paper options. Do I need the metallic / true b&w paper if I'm printing color photos? And what's the luster finish?
Re: Another picture question
There is a page that will tell you about the different papers and which would be best for your prints.
I usually look at the resolution in photoshop, but I'll check to see if there's another way real quick.
In paint, go to Image, then Attributes.
It will tell you how many pixels per inch, and if you click on inches instead of pixels under the "units" section it will tell you how big the picture is.
It may be that you aren't on the highest resolution option on the camera, so check the setting there... typically they need to be superfine or fine on a point and shoot...
also - as far as the different papers... I have gotten quite a few from the MPIX Pro side and the metallic paper is very very cool but it has to be the right picture for it. For example - A shot that I did of rings on the toes of baby looks AWESOME on metallic b/c the rings actually look like they are just 3D and jumping off the page.... I don't tell a big difference between the true black and white and the regular paper.....
If you can tell how large the file size is that will give you an idea of how good the resolution is. I try to keep it no less than 1MB - so anything ending in a KB would be airing too small for my liking. Of course, this depends on how large your final dimensions are going to be.
Does that help?