Hi! My name is Jenna!I live in Murfreesboro, TN. I am 21 years old & 14 wks prego (: Due May 9th with my first little one! However this is my 3rd pregnancy, 1st loss was early on 2nd was at 21 wks so my nerves are kinda outta wack. I am not one to really chat or post on boards like this but being so nervous about this pregnancy i thought it might help me to talk with people who understand. My mother is my best friend, but she lives 3 hours away & that makes it even harder. I am hoping to get to know the rest of you ladies as we all get closer to having our babies here! Hope everyone is doing great & had a wonderful weekend!
Re: Introducing myself..
Hi! I'm Taylor and I live near Jackson, TN. I am almost 9 weeks, due July 2nd. I think these boards are great, but I don't do a lot of posting either. I hope things are still going well for you in your pregnancy. I'll say a prayer for you. Congratulations!