North Carolina Babies

teething sucks sucks sucks!

OMG. henry's getting his upper canines at the same time, and he is just miserable. it's awful. my normally awesome sleeper was up multiple times last night (4?) just screaming. this was WITH motrin. he took a 3.5 hour nap today, and i wish i could've laid down with him. unfortunately, i have a HUGE test on tuesday that i need to study for, so alas, no nap for mom. how are canines worse than molars?

i hope he sleeps better tonight (though he's already been up twice since he went to bed at 8:30 Sad) and tomorrow... mama needs her rest to study!


Re: teething sucks sucks sucks!

  • so not looking forward to molars or canines. We have 2 incisors on the bottom and working on his 3rd adn 4th top incisors and those are bad enough some nites. hope you were able to get some rest last nite so u can get some studying done today.
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