(I'm being a total PW today! Sorry!)
If your DC had a fever while teething, what was it? Holly has had a lowgrade fever (99-100) for the past couple of days, and today it was 102 (rectally) :-(... I'm worried now that it's something more than just teething and a cold. This is her first real fever... Any thoughts/tips?
Re: Teething & fever
Yes, I very much have H1N1 on the brain, but I'm trying not to get too worked up about it yet. Tylenol and/or Motrin does reduce the fever. What other symptoms did Alex have? Holly has had a cough for over a week, and a runny nose for several days. It doesn't seem much different than regular colds that she's had though, aside from the fever and crankiness. Ugh. Just in time for our trip on Thursday. :-(
Mads doesn't usually get a fever with teething, but when she has it's been really low, like under 100. I'd say as long as it's going down with Tylenol/Motrin, you can wait a couple of days (or at least until Monday) to call the pedi. The only time she's gotten really sick, the Tylenol/Motrin didn't bring the fever down.
Hope she is feeling better soon
Ugh, this sounds a little too familiar.
So -- with our history of fevers, let me impart this little bit of wisdom from 6+ doctors, 2 pediatrician offices and Brenner Children's Hosp. They all say that there is no such thing as a low-grade fever, that it's not a fever until it's over 100.4 rectally.
I've been told by 2 drs that teething doesn't cause a fever -- I know better. Both my babies get up to 101 or so with teething.
***Baby #3: BFP Mother