for not temping this cycle. I was worried I would stress over the temps during my 2ww - I should have just temped until O and then stopped.
Now I'm not sure if I am 10dpo or 13dpo. My normal LP is 12dpo. Only one cycle has been 14, all the rest were 12.
I could test, but I could be only 10dpo, and I refuse to test that early.
I don't feel like I have any signs of AF or of being KU.
::pulls hair out::
Re: I'm cursing myself
Totally missed this earlier. Test in a few days if AF's not here.
Are you going to temp next cycle?
LOL, thank you for catering to my AW needs.
I'll either test Sunday or Monday I think.
Definitely will go back to temping next cycle. I'll probably just stop once I have a confirmed O date, because I know I will totally overanalyze the 2ww temps otherwise.