North Carolina Babies

When will LO start using high chair?

At what age did you actually start putting your LO in the high chair?

I am kinda thinking that maybe we should just wait and buy it a little later, instead of storing it until it is time to use it.   But I really have no idea how long it will be before we need it!

 When did you start using it with your LO?

Re: When will LO start using high chair?

  • I think it was around 5 mo. old when we started giving her solids.
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  • We started putting him in it around 4 months so that he could be a part of dinner.  We rarely eat before he is in bed, but if we do then he sits in his high chair and plays with his sippy or a toy while we eat.
    My sweet boy :)
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  • I wanted to wait and not register for a highchair but DH talked me into it and I am SO glad he did.  Someone bought it for us and we started using it when Will was 5 months old.  Those first 5 months went fast and I was so happy we already had it!
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  • About 6 months when we started solids.


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  • About 5 months, and we did not register for it. My mom wanted to get us one, but I ended up with the Fisher Price Space Saver, and we like it.
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  • Just past 4 months, when we started rice cereal.  I bought ours when I was PG b/c I found a design I liked and didn't want it to be discontinued (and I also had a coupon to use).
  • imageAngelPack:
    We started putting him in it around 4 months so that he could be a part of dinner.  We rarely eat before he is in bed, but if we do then he sits in his high chair and plays with his sippy or a toy while we eat.

    This :)  We also registered for a really nice regular size high chair and we did have room for it in our dinning room and kitchen but I packed it back up and returned it for the Space Saver, we love it! 

  • We started using it around 5 months. We had it on our registry and received it at a shower. It was nice not having to buy it for ourselves. We didn't put it together until we were ready to use it - just kept it in the box and stored it in our garage. Didn't take up much space at all.
  • Thanks ladies!! 
  • About 4 months...but our doctor wanted us to start cereal early b/c his weight was only 25th percentile. Also, we just got a portable high chair that straps onto a chair so it wouldn't take up a lot of space.
  • allie started solids at 4 months.  so she was in it a little before 4 months to get her used to it...
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  • About 5 months when we started solids. We also have the FP Spacesaver (two of them, in fact), and love it!

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  • 5 months also - before that we used Bumbo seat :)
  • aahhh..bumbo seat!  good idea!
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