
Achy chest? Painful lungs? Anyone else?

The past week or so my chest has been achy - like my lungs hurt. It hurts when I take a deep breath - not sharp, just a dull ache. When I am just sitting still and resting my chest (bbs down) just aches.

I got tested for H1N1 today (negative) and they listened to my lungs which were clear.

I figure the babies/uterus are pressing on my lungs. Anyone else experience this?

Re: Achy chest? Painful lungs? Anyone else?

  • That happened to me when I was pg too.  How far along are you?  I think I was about 24-26 wks when this really started to bother me.
  • Im sorry i see your tickers... they disappeared when I was responding :)
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  • i actually had this a month ago - not pregnant. 

    My 2 y/o was sick a few days before.. .then i felt like crap for 2 days- and then the achy chest thing started. it lasted a couple days- and went away. I just assumed it was part of whatever bug Griffin brought home - and my lungs were a little swollen.

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