I was reading your potty post and I could not remember...are you doing rewards for pee-pee and poopy??
When we first started potty training Christian, we would give Christian a sticker every time he peed in the potty. ?We have a piece of poster board next to the toilet and he gets to pick one sticker when he goes in the potty. ?We bought a few different kinds...trucks, sesame street, stars, etc. ?He loves to point at all the stickers and tell me about them when he is trying to poop.
He has ben potty trained for about 5 or 6 months now, but when we went to Disney in August, we had a set back when we got home. ?He stopped pooping in the potty. ? We were cleaning underwear every day and I was going insane. ?I told his daycare teacher, and she started giving him one m&m for a poop in the potty. ?Worked like a charm. ?Now he poops at school at least 2 times a day (he will try about 5 or 6 times in hopes of getting an m&m).
Re: ***speed***
We tried the sticker chart but it didn't really seem to improve anything. Maybe I'll try the M&M route and see where that goes.
Right now, I think I'm just going to let him go pantsless for the next 2 weeks and then slowly add pants back into the repetoire. Maybe 2 solid weeks of him going on the potty will help get us back on track. The only thing I worry about is that I have to travel all day on Saturday and I don't know if I'll be able to get my DH on board. We shall see...
Thanks for the tips!