North Carolina Babies

Getting out of bed

Well, after 6 days in her new twin bed, Natalie finally figured out that she can get out of the bed. We just saw her throw her doll over the rail, climb down to go get her and climb back up in bed -- then repeat! At least she's getting back in her bed and now laying down to go to sleep.  I'm sure the day is coming where she just decides to get up and play.  Stick out tongue
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Re: Getting out of bed

  • You never know.  I thought for sure DD would do that too, but 6.5 months later she still never has.  She only gets down to get her friends when they fall out, otherwise she stays put.

    It is fun to watch them on the monitor though to see how they do with their freedom. 

  • That is my biggest concern with moving Ashley to a toddler bed. She is a night owl, so I just know she will get out of bed and play. But maybe she will surprise us :)
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