North Carolina Babies

got H1N1 vacc appt since all you ladies are freaking me out- haha

I just looked at our pediatrician's website and they have a small shipment in, so I made an appt for this weekend. I wasn't going to go out searching for the vaccine, but with all the stories lately and it being offered, I figure I it's better safe than sorry. Esp with E in daycare and my DH coming in contact with LOTS of people each day.

 She hasn't had any reactions to the regular flu shot, so hopefully this will be a breeze as well!

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Re: got H1N1 vacc appt since all you ladies are freaking me out- haha

  • At least you got an appointment, I have to stand in line tonight. I am freaked out too, I hope we are able to get the shot.h
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  • imagedbertagni:
    At least you got an appointment, I have to stand in line tonight. I am freaked out too, I hope we are able to get the shot.h

    that's true! For anyone else going to Raleigh Peds, this is where they are making appts.(both offices)

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  • good to hear you got an appt. When i called white oak today their appts. were full for the day but said I could call back first thing tommorrow to try for one!! gues i'll be setting my alarm to get up and call them!
    imageLilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • Rosalyn is getting hers on Friday.  Our pedi office just got the vax yesterday!
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  • We have an appt on Saturday morning, hallelujah! So glad they are finally getting them in....and hopefully will get them in again in a month when it's time for boosters!
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