I called the pedi to ask about her aversion to milk in a cup and happened to ask if they were going to get the H1N1 vaccine in and they just got it yesterday for Nora's age group so we went ahead and got the first dose. Some of DH's family in VA Beach got H1N1 last week and are coming down this weekend for a wedding (if they are symptom free for a few days), so I feel safer knowing that she's had at least part of the vaccine. It's just hitting too close to home.
And to update on the milk in a cup. Nora successfully went all day yesterday with only taking a few sips of milk out of her "cup." She is officially just as stubborn as I am. The nurse at the pedi office said she would eventually drink it if she was thirsty...nope. She went all day without drinking and then we finally gave her water after dinner. We'll see how today goes. She is still nursing in the morning and at night. If we go through a few days of this and she's still not drinking any more, I'm going to wean her completely. Man is she strong willed!
Re: Nora got the H1N1 vaccine yesterday