Last night I used the bathroom and found mucus tinged with blood, then again 15 minutes later foud more and then later started spotting with painful cramps lasting from 7-8 minutes and 30 seconds long. I spotted all night and today and now finally its clearing up. So my contraction are still painful and were on all day. I didnt call the dr's office cause i dont want to go wait have them check me and say its still time. But i am 2 days away from my due and my next check up is on my due date and its wednesday. So i had a bad night last night not sleeping painful stomach ache hard to use the bathroom. So i wanted to ask am i being stupid not calling and letting them know?? I will call the nurse tonight if they get even worse but i hate wasting trip especially my hospital is good 35 minutes away.
Re: Should I call the nurse?
I thought you were always supposed to call with bleeding? I'm not sure because I just ask my H, who is a doc.
I can tell you that if I called my OB she'd tell me to come in - but that's her SOP. If you can make it one more night can you call the office in the a.m. and ask to be seen? At least in my OB's office they'll always make time to see a pregnant woman if she needs to be checked. Is his/her office closer than the hospital?
im not a dr. but if its real labor, you will know when its time to go. it gets bad
but as pp said, i think you are supposed to call with bleeding. my dr's office says bleeding more than spotting, just checked the paper work