
Any MoM's take Mag/Cal/Zinc & Folate supplements in additional to prenatal vitamin?(per Dr.Luke)

I have just been referred to an MFM in addtion to my regular OB for the remainder of my PG. My MFM has put me on additional magnesium, zinc, calcium, folate and DHA supplements because I have only gained 10-11 lbs and am having alot of trouble eating enough per day for twins..(m/s, gallbladder issues etc..)This Dr. is a big proponent of Dr. Luke and has had great results putting her patients on a similar plan.

So, I am now taking the supplements and am just looking for other moms who have had to go this route. It is alot of additional pills to take but I am totally willing if it is best for the babies...

Thanks in advance for any feedback you have on your experience! :)

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Re: Any MoM's take Mag/Cal/Zinc & Folate supplements in additional to prenatal vitamin?(per Dr.Luke)

  • I am not on the exact Dr. Luke supplement plan but I have been taking (what I feel like has been a lot) the following daily throughout this pg:

    -Prenatal with DHA pill

    -2 additionanl calcium supp. pills

    -1 extra folic acid pill

    -1 additional iron tablet

    -1 additional Vitamin D tablet


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  • I took the supplements Dr. Luke recommends.  I also did the best I could with the diet and weight gain.  Can't say for sure if it helped, but I had 2 nice-sized, full-term babies. 
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  • thanks Ladies!
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  • I have to take:

    400 mg mag x 3

    400 mg folate x 3

    15 mg zinc x3 and

    3000 calcium a day...

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  • My MFM is also a proponent of Dr. Luke. I am taking 2 PNV, 1 folic acid, and 9 Mag/Cal/Zinc daily (3 pills, 3x/day). I started the extras week 18. I feel so much better with them. The magnesium completely stopped all BH contractions and indigestion. The one drawback is that the magnesium...well...lets just say you won't be constipated. Baby wipes will become your friend until your body adjusts to the increase supplements. So far, everything seems to be working. My babies weighed above average at the last growth scan and I've gained 30lbs so far. GL!
  • Chari44 - do you also take a regular prenatal? I do and I was told to take the exact same supplements as you plus additional DHA.

    Also, out of curiousity - where are you in TX? I am in Houston and my MFM is Dr. Palmer.

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  • Thanks again ladies - Sunnybrook - so glad to hear the magnesium is helping with BH, now I won't be scared to take it! :) The anti-constipation effect is a bonus too!! hahahahaa
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  • imagejoliemari?e:

    Chari44 - do you also take a regular prenatal? I do and I was told to take the exact same supplements as you plus additional DHA.

    Also, out of curiousity - where are you in TX? I am in Houston and my MFM is Dr. Palmer.

    Yes ma'am, I also take my regular prenatal vitamin.

    I stay in NW Houston and Dr. Palmer is my specialist!

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  • I take the Mag/Cal/Zinc as per Dr. Luke. I had taken straight Mag and Calcium with my first pregnancy due to really bad leg cramps. The Mag did wonders for that. I figured it wasn't a stretch to just take the combo. I also take supplemental Vit C which I always have done, PG or not. 

    I asked my midwife about take anything supplemental other than the prenatal but she said it wasn't necessary.

     When you think about it, they give you Magnesium Sulfate to help hold off pre-term labor right. Seems to me that it can't hurt to have a little extra magnesium 

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