I just received, about 2 hours ago, the H1N1 vaccine. Now I am having this sharp pain thru my arm where I got the shot. I received the regular flu shot about 2 weeks ago, and didn't have anything like this. I did end up with a little bit of soreness in my arm for the days following, but now I am worried because I did not feel this at all after the regular flu.
Anyone else experience any kind of pain in their arm after their H1N1 vaccine?
Re: Got the H1N1 shot today, pain in my arm?
I had this for the seasonal flu shot and not the H1N1. Soreness at the injection site is super duper common. You can have varying pain based simply on where the needle was injected. I'm sure you're fine.
I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
This. I was sore for days from the regular shot and nothing with the H1N1.
My arm was so sore for 2 days after getting mine. I felt like such a baby for complaining of a sore arm after a needle.
It was so sore that I couldn't sleep on it, or raise it more than half way.
this also - never felt the h1n1