North Carolina Babies


Wh has it? Love it? Hate it? Do you still get your period? I've read that some don't... which would scare me every month into thinking I was PG.

Re: Mirena

  • i have it. i don't get a period, just periodic spotting, which i HATE because i got pregnant on the pill, and now i freak out every month. i'm giving it some more time, though i've had it 8 months now. i haven't made up my mind Smile

    it has caused some weight gain, which i had never had with any other forms of BC (nuvaring or pills)

  • I had it twice.  Before Ben and after Ben.  Before Ben, I LOVED it.  I still got my period every month, it was lighter and a little longer (5-6 days vs. 3-4) with no side affects whatsoever.

    After Ben, I didn't love it so much.  I had it placed at my 6wk check up and then bled for about 5 weeks.  Then no period again until I stopped nursing, and then it was kinda hit or miss.  Some months I would get it, some months I wouldn't.  Some months it would be really heavy and other months it would be barely there.  December of last year I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured that *could* have been caused by the Mirena, thought it's tough to say definitively one way or the other.  Overall, given my choices of BC, if I had to - I would get it again.  But I think after we have one more we'll likely be done and Bif will go in for the old snip-snip because I just don't want to be on BC anymore.

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  • See post below....I loved it the first two months....hated it the next 9....had it removed and haven't looked back. I'm so glad I had it taken out.
  • I hated it. It was "displaced" in my body - either through the uterine wall or out a fallopian tube. Had to have surgery to remove it. This was all approx 5 weeks after having it put in. What a waste of $$.
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    ***Baby #3: BFP Mother

  • i've had mine since june of 08 and love it.  i have some spotting every month, but nothing substantial. 
    Baby Charchie born 12/22/2011
  • I had mine placed after having DD. It wasn't painful at all, except a little cramping when I was driving myself home and off and on the same day. I really do love it. I was questionable in the beginning b/c I had a lot of spotting which was annoying. I had constant spotting for approx 3 mos, then off and on spotting until the 6 mo mark. Then it was over. Now I have a monthly spotting (which I assume is my period). It still makes me a little nervous, since it's REALLY light, so I take a preg test every now and then just to ease my mind. Stick out tongue

    Really I love it. I have no side effects (which I had with bc pills). Plus it lasts up to 5 yrs! GL with your decision.

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  • I've had mine since July and I really like it. I had spotting for about 4-6 weeks at first and haven't had a period since. (I've done a pregnancy test every few weeks, just to be sure.) I haven't had any side effects. I got Mirena because it is estrogen-free; I had been having very bad migraines on the pill and my doctor told me that the estrogen in BCP is related to the migraines (not the progesterone, which is the hormone Mirena has). I haven't had one migraine since getting my Mirena.
  • I've had mine a little over 2 years and love it.  I had spotting pretty continuously for about a month, then occasional spotting for about 3 months after that with lessening frequency. I haven't had a period since, but will have a tiny bit of spotting every now and then. Insertion was pretty painful for me, but I haven't had kids and understand it's easier for those who have. The only downside for me was the price, my insurance didn't cover it and it was around $750 (less than $30/month at this point, more if I consider savings from tampons). I think I researched it at the time, and the amount of hormones going into your body is about 1/10 that of the nuva ring.
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