So, my plan was to have the nursery done (as far as paint and carpeting and new lighting fixtures) by my shower. However, before we could start the nursery, we had to finish this bathroom that is off that room. My FIL is working on it, and he says it should be done by next Saturday, the 14th! My shower is the 22nd! That means, 1 week is all DH will have to paint the nursery and for someone to install carpeting and have the lighting fixtures changed. I know this is not going to happen, which has me totally stressed. I think this is all snowballing b/c I just realized today that my deadline is not going to be met. And, I had set that deadline b/c with the holidays there is going to be no time to get anything done. Then, after Christmas, I wanted to get everything organized and put away before LO gets here. I just needed to vent a bit. I know everything will get done eventually, but I don't want to get stressed now, I wanted everything to go smooth so I can enjoy the holidays! UGH! Well, hopefully I am wrong, and everything will work out, but I don't want a half a$$ job either.
Thanks for listening! or should I say reading!
Feel free to vent along with me if you are stressed about this too, or if you are on the other end and can ease my nerves a bit that everything will work out!
Re: stressing about nursery!! vent
you'll be pushed for time, but it's do-able. paint first. it shouldn't take longer than 2 days. then install the carpeting. we had our entire house done in a day. then install fixtures. on the last few days, you can hang curtains, set up LO's nursery, hang things on the wall, etc. GL!
Eh hem... here's my current nursery:
I'm 38 weeks pregnant. I can has cookie?
I completely understand. DH is doing the nusery and as far as I'm concerned he's bit off more than he can chew. He has soooo much left to do and doesn't realize that that holidays are going to throw a monkey wrench. So for the past 2 days it's been a big argument. On top of that, FIL is here visiting and it's just been a mess. I know DH is quite capable, it's just the timelines....I do not want sawdust, sheetrock and paint all over the place w/ a newborn. Ughhhhhhh I hate this topic.
6/20/11 mc @ 5wks
10/19/11 mc @ 17wks- Trisomy 18
IUI #1 4/26/12 BFN
Moving on to IVF in July
37 with DOR...fabulous
ER 7/14/12 6R 5F, ET 7/17 3 embies, beta #1 7/26: 147, beta #2 7/28: 326, beta#3 7/30: 422...ugh, beta#4 7/31: 607...hopeful, beta #5 8/2: 1280, beta #6 8/7: 7184 and u/s shows 1 possibly 2 sacs! 8/14 2 beautiful heartbeats! 9/24 we are TEAM BLUE!!!!!
The bathroom was completely gutted and it is off of the nursery. It has just made a big mess, and everything was in the way to even be able to work on the nursery. So, we are waiting to finish the bathroom so the dust and everything won't be kicking up in the paint or new carpeting in the nursery.
We just moved into our new house and a ton of work has been done in fixing it up but the nursery is finally painted and ready for furniture, baby stuff and decorations but we need to move boxes out of it first.... it's a little stressful and I feel like I don't have much time left.
We'll get it done though, don't worry!
I feel your pain. We had undertaken a 3 story remodel of our house and gutted it down to the studs. All new electric, plumbing . . . the whole sha-bang. I do not even have a kitchen right now. You just need to take it all in stride and trust that it will get done (even if it's not when you had initially planned). Everything will work out.
I'm a construction manager and to this day I've never even seen a commercial project finish exactly when everyone wanted it to, but you roll with it and you'll be happy when it is finished. You will have all the time in the world to show it off when everyone visits after the birth.
Good luck and I'm sure it will all turn out fine. You'll be too busy exchanging your shower gifts to even think about putting everything away and decorating just yet.