They live in Arizona and plan on driving their RV down to Texas to come here for the birth. MIL had asked how much help I would need (so nice of her) and I responded that a week would be enough. Given the c-section and it might take me awhile to be up and around from it, a week would be sufficient. Well, now looks like they are coming before Christmas.
How does December 20th - Januaru 9th sound?
Kill me now. I spend Christmas Eve every year at my parent's house with the grandkids. It's our tradition. I'm quite content with leaving the in-laws at the house with DH while DS and I go to visit my folks. My parents live 15 minutes from us.
On one hand I do want the in-laws here for the birth but I do not want to have my traditions rearranged because they are in town. I have a feeling their arrival will mean our whole house will be upside down for the duration of their stay. Can't wait to see what DH says about this. He was groaning about their upcoming visit as well.
MIL takes over the entire house. Helping is one thing but she runs everything. Meals, cleaning, the TV, grrrrrr. It's going to be a long visit.
Re: In-laws posted their itinerary...
Wow. I don't know how DH and I did it, but we told both of our families that we would be delighted to see them 10-14 days after the baby was born. And since I am due Christmas Eve, that means we get the holidays to ourselves. No one has griped (at least to our faces) about it!
GL - that is a LONGass time. I would plea bargain it to December 27-Jan9. Still a very long visit!
I am a runner, knitter, scientist, DE-IVF veteran, and stage III colon cancer survivor.
Do you have a scheduled C-section?? If not, January 9th may come and go before your baby arrives..
Also, maybe you can explain that with Christmas and everything it may be very difficult on you guys this year to have house guests beforehand. I mean think of the gift wrapping, organizing, the fact that everyones house and furniture is usually rearranged as it is around that time to make room for christmas trees and extra dining/storage space. I would FREAK out if I had people staying with me before Xmas even if they were family and trying to help!
I hope you can stop it if that what's you're hoping for!
BFP #2 = 3/30/09 DD born 12/9/09
BFP #3 = 5/17/11 EDD = 1/27/12
18 months
I know, isn't it? You are lucky to have family wait till 2 weeks after the baby comes. We are scheduled for c-section at 38 weeks due to complications. I was trying to be polite by saying..."A week after the birth would be fine for help." That is provided nothing else goes wrong between now and then.
My FIL isn't the pushy one. My MIL is. To her it's her baby and when does she get to come in the room at the hospital, when does she get to hold the baby, how late can she stay to's going to be exhausting.
I'm sure DH will come over at some point during the holidays. I visit my parents weekly as it is. Why not invite the inlaws to my parent's house? Uhhhhm, things get weird when MIL is around. Like the uncomfortable silence, nothing to talk about, it gets weird. She truly means well but within minutes it turns into annoying.
I don't get it. Judging by your ticker, aren't you due around 1/9? Why would they come before the baby is here and leave right after?
They tried to get their way into staying in our house and moving one of our sons to the couch. Nice try but you have that $250K RV you just bought..... They are staying at the RV park. The problem is they come over first thing in the morning and don't leave till DH and I are about to fall asleep at night.
I'm originally due January 11th. But we have complications other than GD and unfavorable cervix and we have scheduled with the OB to deliver Emma December 28th, first thing in the morning. My OB doesn't want to risk me carrying her to term or beyond that. The inlaws know when the c-section is.
I love the way you think. Yes we have a scheduled c-section. DH and I were talking that we'd have a couple of days of relative peace and quiet in the hospital. It's not the newborn we think will be
I do love the way you think. I would love for DH to set her straight. She is always polite initially and then begins to wear on us both.