3rd Trimester

Anyone's back go out during preg?

DH and I were walking at the mall today, because I'm trying to get some things moving, and all of the sudden my back started hurting so bad it hurt to walk and I had to sit down. That was nearly 3 hours ago and it still hurts to move. I called my doctor and she doesn't seem too concerned about it. But it huuuurts! Any ideas on what I can do for it?

Re: Anyone's back go out during preg?

  • I've never experienced that, but maybe a small disposable heating pad?  Also try sitting up straight in a chair or something.
  • around 36ish weeks I was doing yard work, felt great, sat down on the couch after I was done and when I tried to get up my back KILLED!  I had a horrible back ache for well over a week - called the Dr and she recommended 2 extra strength tylenol.  I also found that an ice pack on my back (or a bag of frozen peas - which actually felt better because it formed to my back) and sleeping with a pillow pushed against my back for support helped best.
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