I was induced last Tuesday at 39.3 days because my blood pressure started creeping up despite already being on meds. I got cervadil on Tuesday night. I was totally unprepared for how crampy it made me. I was not going to be able to sleep, so they gave me morphine and a heavy dose of sedative. It was great to be able to sleep but when I woke up the next morning and was out of it until about noon. They started pitocin at 8am and it took until 10 to really start contractions. I got to walk around for a while. (I was being monitored via telemetry it was pretty cool.) By noon the contraction were still really manageable but picking up in intensity. I labored on a ball for a while and got in the tub. They checked my before I got in the tub and I was 4 cm. About 2:30 I was in the tub and the contractions started to get pretty unbearable. I decided to get an epidural at this point. I spent a good hour miserable in bed waiting for the epidural but as soon I got it I was able to rest. I napped for an hour and they rechecked me. I was complete. They let me rest and labor down for another hour and at 6:45 I started pushing. We pushed for about 3 contractions and they called to doctor who was about 20 minutes away. They had me stop pushing and let my body do the work on its own. The doc showed up and we did about 6 pushes and Joey was out.
He's perfect!
Re: Joseph Eli is Here!