3rd Trimester

Appetite coming back?

So my appetite had gone down quite a bit right around hitting 3rd tri. Well it came back like 3 or 4 days ago with a vengeance!

If your appetite went down, did it go back up and what week were you at? Just curious... TIA

Re: Appetite coming back?

  • I've been really hungry all week. It makes me feel like a pig but oh well. I'm already up 40 lbs..what's another 5?
  • I felt like I was starving to death around 28-32 weeks -- had the biggest growth spurt & weight gain then too. Had another smaller increase around 38 wks & had another growth spurt.
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  • My appetite only seemed to go away for about 2 weeks. It came back over the weekend :)
  • I think I was going through a growth spurt the last couple of weeks b/c I was starving, now I don't really have an appetite or really nothing sounds appetizing. Before that I had a normal appetite.
  • Ha, I was wondering if others were experiencing this. Just starting my 3rd tri and have much less of an appetite right now. maybe it has something to do with the pumpkin-like orb taking up room in there ;)
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