Ugh! I know it doesn't mean anything, but I am making zero progress! I'm still a fingertip dilated, still 80% effaced. I've been stuck here since 36 weeks. WTF? At this rate, I'm going to be pregnant forever! The only change this week is that her head is pretty low, he said.
On a positive note, I lost 6 lbs! I'm assuming that's because I can actually see my ankles again, which means all that fluid is gone!
Anyway, enough whining! Someone send me some labor
dust please!!!
Re: 39 week appt. Gimme a break!
Here's hoping the full moon will also help!
:::sprinkles labor dust over Jocelyn in a tinkerbell fashion:::
?:) ?GL!! I hope the moon does something for you! And me! ?
My 39w appt was the exact same. I cried afterwards...of course part of it is the hormones....but it's just plain frustrating.
I'm crossing my fingers for the full moon and if that doesn't work....then I'm praying that I'll have an induction scheduled by the end of the week.
Hang in're not alone
At least you know you'll have your LO by Monday. That's great! Yes, it does suck big time to A. know I'm not making progress and B. not know when she'll be here. I'm trying to keep myself busy to keep my mind off of it.