Why do people want to come to the hospital while you are in labor & sit in the waiting room waiting for the baby to be born?
I just dont freakin get it. We plan on not telling anyone when I go into labor & just calling when we have the baby. Well, that turned into everyone stalking us (and i mean literally my sister comes to my work every freakin day to see that im here & drives by our house & calls & texts). Its driving me mad and its not even that she is excited to see our baby. She just wants to be the first person to know so she can blab to everyone cause she has a big mouth. And my mom took us not wanting people there while we are in labor to mean that no one can visit us in the hospital after she is born, which is not what I meant at all. I just cant deal with people outside my labor room (and yes when my sister gave birth my mom actually snuck down the hall & listened at the door & reported on what was being said) while Im trying to give birth. UGH. I just dont get it.
Re: someone explain this to me
Haha HEY! You need to tell me as soon as you go into labor!
Seriously, I won't be there until you want me there so if you need someone to text/email/whatever while you're in labor, I'm here. Hell, I can be security for you if you want
I just had to explain this to my mother. With my first, both sets of parents waited, plus my wonderful SIL. It was fine, to be quite honest. They'd come in, joke around, then go back out to wait. This time will be different, though, because I don't want one set of grandparents to be present and not the other (and one set will be responsible for my 21 month old). We're telling them to stay home until the baby's born. I would REALLY like for Calloway to be the first one to meet Ari, even though he has no idea what's going on!
The house-stalking would piss me off, though.
i know what you mean! a friend of mine wants me to call her as soon as i go into labor so she can wait until the baby is born. I explained to her that it could be hours.. and even after baby is born, I probably won't want to see a bunch of ppl right away, if anyone, until i've rested. But she insists on waiting! I felt bad saying no, but I ended up telling her that although I love the support, I just don't want anyone there (friends and family [besides like my parents]) until AFTER she is born and then we'll start calling ppl.
I also had to make a strict no cameras rule too...... mainly for my friends.... I don't want my baby being shown on facebook before i even have the chance to show her off myself.
I totally agree with pp's camera restriction so baby doesn't get plastered all over FB.
The other day my BFF was like "I'll announce when the baby is born on FB!" and I had to tell her that we would really prefer if she didn't. Arg to FB sometimes.