They opened a new Destination Maternity store near me this past week. We went to check it out and get some long sleeved tops to get me through the next 2 months.
I bought a few things and once we got into the car, DH went off about how pushy they (sales ladies) are in there. He kept saying, "Gosh why couldn't they just leave you alone and let you shop???" He asked if they were like that in every motherhood store and I said "YUP!!".
Then he went on a rant about how mean it is to charge us pregnant ladies such ridiculous prices on clothes that we really only wear for 5 or 6 months. He thinks its just awful. He kept saying, "It's just not fair!" and "It's just not right!"
It was really cute and amusing how passionate he was getting about all of it! lol
Re: Going to Destination Maternity sent DH on a rant lol
Also check Old Navy...their clothes are not of the finest quality but waaay more affordable than the maternity stores. My DH thinks it's BS as well.
And that's why I don't tell DH how much maternity clothes cost. He'd do the same thing
He's just lucky I have enough common sense to stick to the right side of the store where all the Motherhood things are. I never venture over to the dark, I mean, Pea in a Pod side.