3rd Trimester

How did/would you...

tell all the family (IL's and your own) that after LO gets here you are going into hibernation and will see them all in the spring??

Okay, so not spring perse but my DH and I have decided to severely limit visitors at home also because of the cold/flu/RSV season and little girl's EDD of xmas day so smack dab in the middle of winter...My family will take this pretty easy because its pretty much been done that way forever on my side...apparently my hubby is the 1st one to think of this as a good idea on his though and says he has no idea how to tell his family.

We will basically be having a 'meet the baby' type party at a baptism reception at about 2months old for everyone to come and meet her (sick ppl need not attend but probably will according to DH...ugh...ILs....)

Any suggestions on how to not start a huge fight over this?  I mean, its happening either way but I'd love to not have bad feelings over it or as few as possible...My baby is my priority and her health is not a subject up for compromise.  I turned down my aunt for a baby shower after baby gets here.  Well, I told her baby wouldn't be attending until after x weeks and told her about our plan for baptism party so she changed her plans and is throwing it the weekend before thanksgiving instead. 


Re: How did/would you...

  • pretty simple.

    " given the threatened severity of this years flu season, we ask that you do not visit if you are feeling ill, have a fever, cough, cold or runny nose. Please understand this is to protect the health and well being of our newborn baby that can not receive any vaccinations to otherwise be protected"

  • We're having the Christening after 4 weeks with our immediate families (approx 12 people.)  Everyone knows that we will not be going out, but they are welcome to visit...UNLESS they are sick or have been sick recently. Restricting healthy, immediate family for 2+ months seems very unfair to them and the baby.  If you want to get technical, flu season doesn't end till I think April/May.   Will you quarantine your baby for the first 4 months?  They're just as likely to catch something if they go to the grocery store with you as they would being around family in your own home.
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  • Sorry, just noticed I totally didn't specifiy that I am talking extended family....Like our aunts, uncles, cousins, their kids....Our immediate family (which I also include great-grandparents in immediate) are welcome to visit after we adjust to being at home unless they are sick.  Our siblings will be scrubbing like crazy though since they are ages 10, 13, 16, 16...

    I understand flu season extends fully into spring and that baby will be exposed long before then, but we don't need the additional exposure of loving family members shoving their faces in hers right away.

  • We don't see the aunt/uncle/cousin part of DH's family much in the winter.  We only see them on Christmas Eve (which we will not be going to this year for the very same reason.)  Other than that, we spend most of our time with them in the summer at the pool.  Maybe if you just kept everyone up to date with email pics they'd be content for the first few months. 
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