3rd Trimester


Just wondering how you are doing. I saw in another post that you are due 11/17 -- I'd due the 15th. I always remember you because you also went 2 weeks past due with your first. I did too but luckily went into labor on my own at 41+6 and had him at 42w.

I haven't had an internal yet because I don't think I want to know! One of the MWs I saw said DS was late because I wasn't ready for him. That was true in a way -- I felt deeply that I was going to be late with him. This time around, I feel like (or am praying?) I am going to go closer to my due date. So, I am testing out the mind body connection. Wink I am thinking that if DS was born at 42w at 8 lbs, 15 oz, it would be perfect if this baby could be born right around 40w and 8 lbs even. A girl can dream, right?

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Re: Bonzer

  • oh man! I hope we both go in a timely manner this time! I'm so nervous that I won't progress because then I can't VBAC, so I get the internals just so I have some idea if I'm going to be scheduling a c-section or not.

    this kid better not come out like last one, at just shy of 11 pounds! LOL!

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