Wanna be added? New here? This is a group for women expecting to have their baby in November. If you would like to join our group, please email me your information! My email address is holleich@aol.com. Please include your screen name, name, age and estimated due date, and gender if you know it.
NINJA BABY - If you would like the Ninja Baby for your siggy please put the following into your signature line. [img?] https://i41.tinypic.com/qovabt.jpg [/img?], be sure to remove the ?'s, otherwise it will not work.
November Due Date List:
hey Ninjas, just wanted to say a quick "hi." The previous two Check-In
posters are busy having babies, so I'm taking over for a little bit.
I'll do my best to assist you with anything you might need, but I'm
just the hired help so go easy on me!
What are your biggest fears about having your baby?
My answer: I'm really scared of having to have an epidural/c-section for some reason. I also got freaked out at my childbirth class when they talked about the umbilical cord coming out first and getting compressed/blocking the baby. After he's born of course I'm terrified of SIDS... that's just an awful thought.
Geez... I'll try to think of a happier question for Wednesday
Re: ~November Ninjas Monday Check-In~
I think I am most nervous about the possibility of a?c-section. I wasn't worried about that at all the first time around. But now with having to?chase a 2-year-old and play with her, I'm worried I'll be out of?commission for too long!?
I think I'm also worried about the epi failing, my POS anesthesiologist who thought he was a god effed up mine the first time and it had to be fixed. I'm worried that that same thing will happen this time..
What else.. of course I'm worried about something happening and/or being wrong with the baby. I'm worried about something happening to me..?
And I am worried about leaving Layla for the 2 days! I will hate that! ?
Fear of the unknown like the pp. I have no clue what to expect.
other than that, I'm scared she's never going to come out... she seems way too comfortable!
As a pp said, the fear of the unknown. I've never been through this, so I'm scared out of my mind! Two major things stick out though: 1) not being able to feel contractions of early labor (my mom went through that) and 2) having an emergency C-section.
Holy crap Ninjas! We're all having babies this month! AHHHH!!!!!!
Oh yeah, that's another fear of mine!!
My biggest fear is getting an epi. I'm scared of the process of it going in, I'm scared of possibly reacting badly (I've never reacted well to stuff like that), and I'm scared of being numb and not being able to move or do anything. Plus, it seems like it only works well half the time. There are just too many 'what ifs' with it.
twitter: @aliciamariel
having a still born baby. I know I have a very healthy baby and she is very very very active but some of the stories on the bump have completely freaked me out!
Also hemorrhaging after birth and needing a blood transfusion. Rare I know but still a fear.
I am not too terribly afraid of the delivery but I have seen several and I work with the anesthesia guys. I had one of them pull up who was oncall so I know which day I don't want to deliver cause I know who gives the best epidurals. Watch I will go on the only day I don't want to lol. I am more afraid of after. I really don't want a c-section if at all possible because I had problems with my sutures after gallbladder surgery and those were tiny little sites. I'd rather not tear either. I am scared of what it will be like when she is home. Will she be healthy? Will I be sucessful breastfeeding. Things like that scare me more.
I super afraid of getting a epi, I just don't like the thought of having a needle in my back. I really hate needles.
I'm also afraid of having to have a c-section. Just the thought of them having to cut me open really scares me.
Once my LO gets here I'm going to be afraid of SIDS and dropping her. I keep having the nightmare, where they bring her to me in the hospital and she some how slips out of my arms and falls.
I am only mildly scared of the pain of labor. What I am most scared of is something happening to the baby, both in the hospital and after we come home. I guess I will have to learn to trust myself as a mother.
the pain of labor and the epi