3rd Trimester

So Confused

The Dr has been sending me out for u/s. The place i go to has a Dr i see there to go over my u/s with me. She had been telling me that my placenta was covering my cervix and sent these reports to my OB. She a;lso said that my placenta would not move due to scarring in my uterus. My OB has since scheduled my c-section at 38 weeks.

My OB did an u/s this morning at his office and it seems as though my placenta is 1 cm away from my cervix. And, the scarring in my uterus is no where near my placenta.

Now, i have to wait and see at my 37 week appointment if my placenta is 3 cm away from my cervix or not. I will not know if I'm having a c-section or not until then.

I just don't know why the Dr. at the u/s place would say the things she said if in fact they were not true. And if you were me would you go to another OB explain the situation and get another opinion/ultra sound???

Re: So Confused

  • yes- ALWAYS get a second or third opinion when it comes to something as important as this.  good luck!
  • The doctor may mis speak but the ultrasound can't lie :)  Wait and go with the ultra sound facts at 37 weeks.  After all, you got lucky and your placenta did move after they thought it wouldn't.
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  • the one ob i saw when i had lack of movement told me since i am petite i am 5 ft i will need a c-section. Funny cause my regular ob never mentioned it. dont listen to him unless your ob is concern. Talk to him/her and see what they say as long as you or the baby is not in danger you shouldnt dwell on it
  • I would wait and see at your 37 week appointment. My placenta was in the same place as yours and it moved out of the way.

    But I am wondering why your doc said you would automatically need a C section since you are petite. I am only 5'0" and my doc has never said anything like that to me. 

  • imageLillyDez:

    I would wait and see at your 37 week appointment. My placenta was in the same place as yours and it moved out of the way.

    But I am wondering why your doc said you would automatically need a C section since you are petite. I am only 5'0" and my doc has never said anything like that to me. 

    Me neither; I'm also 5' even. 

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