Okay, I was browsing through the 0-3 board looking for any posts involving warning signs to labor, when i came across a post i found to be quite interesting! It was from a person discussing one of our third trimesters posts which I thikn was pretty stupid....
Pregnancy is all together a gross development of TMI's and very odd symptoms, i cant imagine it takes someone saying "drop a deuce" to push someone over the edge lol! There are so many more posts that could be mocked haha i just dont see that one as one worth making fun of but what do i know!
Re: really?
hahaha go see my reply
Oh I love how we're all naive little girls over here
Obviously it was worthy of being made fun of by someone. Everyone has their things. hers happens to be "drop a deuce"...yours happens to be other people making fun of the phrase drop a deuce.
In hindsight, a post, mocking a post, that is mocking an original post is quite funny to me.
just like I said... H.A.U.G.H.T.Y.
Again...replying, to a reply about being "haughty" ...ironic? While my baby sleeps I like to get atleast an hour of me time and do things like browse the internet, take a bath, nothing housework related before I have to start going back to work. Sue me. Youll see how much free time you actually have with a newborn, they sleep pretty much most of the day, or atleast we got lucky.