I gained 50lbs in all (started at 143 and ended at 193). Asof yesterday I am 148 now. I definitely suggest getting a body shaper tank top. It really helps hold in that post baby belly!
~*March 26th, 2011 - The day I marry my best friend*~
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RSVP Date: 2/28/2011
You look great! Thanks for the tip on the body shaper too! I have just been so worried that things will not go back into the correct places afterward because it just blows my mind at how out there my belly is these days---glad to see yours went back. Way to go!
Re: 3w5d post preg body
M/C found 2/27/13-- D & C 3/6/13
RSVP Date: 2/28/2011
big brothers 12.2009 and 02.2012
body shaper is from kohls. Its a little known fact that after childbirth your appetite tanks and you hardly eat. I am also BFing/pumping.
You look great!
And Henry is ADORABLE!!!
It's a Flexees Firm Control Fat-Free Tank. It was in the underwear/bra section at Kohls.
Not when I'm naked. haha
Thanks so much for the info!
Yeah you look great!
:::Running to Khols to get tank top:::
You look so great, and Henry is just the cutest! Are the puppies getting used to him?
They love him! your belly is so cute