3rd Trimester

Cystic hygroma at 1st tri screen?

DH and I went in for our 1st tri screen last week, and our baby has a cystic hygroma with a measurement of just under 5mm.  We were told that this increases the risk of our baby having a chromosomal abnormality from 1 in 800 (based on my age - 27) to 1 in 10.  We had a CVS done on Friday to give us a definitive answer as to whether or not the baby has an abnormality.  Right now, we're waiting the 10-14 days for the results.

I am wondering if anyone else received a similar diagnosis from their 1st tri screen, and what the end result/current status is of your baby.  What was the size of your baby's hygroma; did you have testing done; what was the outcome, etc.?  Since you ladies are much further along than I, I'm hoping that you can provide a longer term picture of what we may have awaiting us.

Thanks so much in advance, and best wishes to anyone who has gone or is going through the same stress we are.
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