Our book keeper at work just came back from being out for 12 weeks. She looks at me today and says, "Your having a girl, right" (yes I am). She continues to tell me, "I can tell because they say a baby girl steals all the beauty from the mother"....um, are you kidding? I told her, "So basically your calling me ugly?" She says, "Don't worry, you'll go back to normal as soon as she's born".
Re: How RUDE!!!
LMAO! My MIL said this weekend " you look like you're having a girl"
to which I replied, " so you think I'm ugly?"
which surprised her because she had her OWT's backwards... she said " OMG, no, I just mean you're carrying all baby like a basketball and your face got very thin"
gotta love these idiots and their OWT prophecies. So polite.
i almost choked on my oatmeal!
what is wrong with ppl?! who says something like that???
i'm sure you look beautiful. throat punch her!