3rd Trimester

Why?!?! short vent

Why do people I have never seen before in life fell compelled to touch my belly!!  Yes, I know I have a cute bump, thanx, but you can tell me that without touching it.  I don't walk up to you and say "that is a great set you've got there" as I am grabbing your boobs do I??!!

Re: Why?!?! short vent

  • I would rather someone grab my tig oh bitties  It would then give me reason to smack the shyt out of them



  • How funny would that be....walk up to some lady with your hands cupped and outstretched saying "Hey, nice knockers!"  And then giving them a big ol' squeeze Big Smile  The mental picture in my head is hilarious!!!
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  • Some lady on here actually did get a boob squeeze....I can't remmy who but she was in line and the lady in front of her turned around rubbed her belly and then reached up, squeezed, and told her her milk was coming in nicely...Indifferent

    Yah...I think I'll stick with the belly rubs! Followed promptly with a rude comment from me about people's personal space and lack of brain....

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