3rd Trimester

I think I have a sinus infection

Will they give me anything?  I'm 6 days away from my due date!  I wake up with a sore throat, my sinuses ache and are full, and I'm starting to cough.  I've gotten the same thing every year since I was in junior high...I know the symptoms, I know that I need amoxocilian (sp?) to get better.  But will they give me something like that now?  I hate these anyway, I can't imagine trying to deliver a baby with one.

Ugh.  I'm calling today...

Re: I think I have a sinus infection

  • I had one in my second trimester (NASTY one at that) and they gave me antibiotics.  I am sooooo glad I did it.

     They also told me I could take a couple different OTC things to help with the symptoms, but I only took 1 of them at night a couple times.  I hate taking anything while pregnant unless I REALLY need to.

  • Most sinus infections are viral anyway, so an antibiotic won't help. Do you have a neti pot? I would try rinsing to clear out some of the pressure.
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  • Had the same with ear pain that kept me up all night. my ob didn't give me anything but my pcp gave me amoxicillin for the next 10 days.i am soo happy she did!!! i thought i would die from the headaches,,
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