3rd Trimester

Has anyone had this symptom??

Hi everyone!


      I am 29 weeks pregnant, and have noticed that for the last week or so, I have a numb spot at the top of my belly, just under my breasts. Its kind of like when you go to the dentist and they freeze you. You can still feel feel it if you touch it, but its kind of numb. I am assuming its because the muscles at the top of my  belly are being stretched (I am a petite woman, and have been growing like crazy lately!). The spot is fairly small, a little larger than the size of a quarter, I am having a very good pregnancy, BP is great, sugars are great, no backaches, heartburn, etc, Just the regular tiredness, but I'm still early on in the 3rd, so who knows what the next few weeks will hold!  Just curious if anyone else has had this kind of symptom. Thanks and hope everyone has a great day :) 

Re: Has anyone had this symptom??

  • I had this with both this pregnancy and with DS's. It's because one of two things is happening. Either the baby is compressing a nerve, making it numb (this was what happened with DS) or like this pregnancy it's only there when you're sitting and it's because the baby is higher and you're compressing a nerve against your rib when you are sitting.


  • How interesting! Thanks :)
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  • I have this same exact thing!
  • Yup, I have had this also... within the last couple of weeks. Our baby has been sitting lowish for a while and I think she/he had a growth spurt in the last few weeks and now its feet/knees are up in my ribs causing the numbing affect.

    Another one of those little pregnancy surprises!
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  • Yup. Mine is right in the middle and it is weird.


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