So, I should be sleeping for work right now. Saturday night I started having contractions.(What I believed to be Braxton Hicks) I had them throughout the day yesterday. Tonight I CAN NOT sleep. They are arriving about every 5 minutes, and they last about 30 seconds. I didn't have any Braxton Hicks with my daughter, and that was forever ago. I have no discharge(sorry) My stomach tightens completely, and it feels like my bladder is being squeezed to death. I have no back I am SO confused. They do not ease up when I change positions, or when I drink water. I don't want to wake anyone up if this is nothing. AHHHH Any thoughts....I know the generic "call your doctor," but maybe anyone who DOES know the difference in the feeling of the two contractions? TIA
Re: Braxton Hicks, or the real deal?????
My midwife told me that if the belly tightens regularly every 5 to 10 minutes, I should go to the L&D. This is my first pregnancy, so I have zero experience on L&D, but when I have BH they are never that regular!
Maybe it's time to wake everyone?? GL!!