That post got me thinking, for those of you who are veterans, how is this time different? I don't mean in how you feel and what now, but more on the treatment from others, and other's excitement and such.
Like, right now, as a firt timer, my DH practically won't let me do anything. My parents are here almost every weekend to help get things set up. People at work are always asking how I feel, and basically just everyone goes out of their way to be really helpful.
I can imagine next time, when I've got a toddler (or older infant) to care for, there will be more to get done, and DH won't be as able to help as much. Will the people at work assume since I've been through it before now, that I don't have to be as coddled?
Does this post even make sense?? lol it may be time for bed.
Edit: I suppose I could have summed up this whole long post just by asking, "Do you find that generally people are as excited for you during your second and third etc. pregnancies?"
Re: s/o first time or veteran...
I think the family is more excited this go around b/c it is a girl. My parents have 5 grandsons so it is a nice addition to have a little girl in the mix. Also, everyone is so much more willing to help out with everything. Every Friday night for the past month, my ILs have taken DS for the night so I can sleep in on Sat. And my mom has taken him on several Saturday nights as well.
All in all, the excitement and attention is actually greater than with #1.
I've been treated so much better this time than the first..... but I was married to an a$$hole then.
Sorry I can't help
I've had a lot of people, esp. ones I don't see a lot, say, "Oh, that's right, I forgot you were pregnant."
DH has been much less helpful in general, until I had a PTL scare and now he is slightly more helpful.
Much less fanfare in general, which is fine. I have an active toddler so I don't even notice.
My pregnancies have all been a lot alike. It is tougher with older children, you don't get to sleep or rest every often and when the baby comes there is NO "sleep while the baby is."
People are far less excited about subsequent children, I thought #2 was shafted, at least he got a mini party....and some gifts. Nada with three, not that we need it... I am not a gift seeker, we need a few things but no one has asked either...
Just a few examples, DD got 8 "first baby's Xmas ornaments." DS got two. DD has $800 dollars more than DS from baby gifts (we save all their money from gifts).
MH is helpful and I think he understands more how hard it is being pregnant after I have been there a few times.