3rd Trimester

Will DH stay the night at hospital?

DH and I were just discussing if he would stay the nights AFTER the baby is born, or just come back to the house. He will have to go back and forth anyways to take care of our indoor dog. I know people that have other kids often have to have their DH at home at night and come back to the hospital in the morning.

 What is your plan? What do you think is "normal?" I don't want him to have to sleep in a hospital chair any more than he has to. 

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Re: Will DH stay the night at hospital?

  • My DH assumed he would sleep at home and come back in the morning but I really want him to stay with me.  So, he is staying with me at the hospital.
  • DH is planning on staying at the hospital the whole time with me.  There never was a discussion about it, we both just assumed that's what we would do.
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  • I think either way is "normal" & it totally depends on you two.  My DH wants to spend the night & my hospital has a chair that turns into a bed for him to sleep in the room with me.  however, a lot of my friends' hubbies went home for the night.  it's your call - do whatever feels best for you & your DH:)
  • DH is staying with me at the hospital.. I'm a c/s so i cant get out of bed for 24 hours... DS is staying with my dad and miL.... dont feel bad about having him sleep in the hospital chair/bed.... your bed isn't much more comfortable..


    hope this helps! 

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  • I guess it would mainly depend on how you feel after delivery and what kind of delivery you have, vaginal or c-section.
  • I am def having my husband stay cause i feel more comfortable knowing he is there. And my husband is so caring he will do anything without hesitating and will stay up all night with me when i have contractions. Our hospital has  this sofa bed so i am not worried about him having a problem
  • Our hospital has double beds, so as long as the hospital isnt overloaded when i deliver he will be able to sleep in the other bed. And since i work there our room will be filled last.
  • Mine stayed with me. Our son was in the NICU, but imagine that it'd be a big help to have him in the middle of the night, especially if you're rooming in. He went home in the morning for a couple of hours every day to get in a good nap on a bed :)
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  • We will have someone taking care of the puppy dog and H will stay the night with me!!  At least I hope he will, we haven't discussed it yet, but I suspect he will. 
  • dh and I were discussing this today as well...

    He said he is going to stay the first night... but we have 2 dogs as well... I almost dont want him to stay so he can at least be home with the dogs and get a good night sleep.... that chair isnt so comfy.... we'll see

  • We have been talking about this too. ?I just assumed he would go home at night but he is insisting he stay the nights that me and our baby there. I don't know what is "normal" or what the hospital allows. ?It would be nice to have him there to experience what nights are like before we come home. ?
  • Absolutely!  I am not sure exactly of the logistics of the room, but we have our hospital tour coming up soon, so I am sure we will know then.  I definitely want him there with me.
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  • Our apartment complex is literally right across the street from the hospital, and I am having a c-section, so I told DH that he is more than welcome to sleep at home if he feels like it.
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  • DH is staying with me because he wants to be there.  I'm sure he will come home to shower and such, but we only live 20 minutes from the hospital.  We also just dropped our dog off at the daycare and they will be taking care of him until we get home. 
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  • I loved having DH stay with me. His chair folded out into a bed, and he can sleep practically anywhere, so he slept. I was so glad that he was with me, as we have no family here; I would have been alone and I wasn't ready to be along with the baby yet! DH went home and showered and took care of the dogs, I think he took a quick nap while he was home too. He only took off 2 days when DD was born, so I know that he treasured that time with her too.
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  • My DH will be spending all the time with my at the hospital. He might come home to shower but that's about it. I have never been in the hospital and am terrified so he said he would stay!
  • We will have my mother and step-father staying in our house (and they won't drive in TX)... so the 3 of them will be at the hopital for the delivery.  If I have a normal delivery then I will want DH, Mom and Dad to go home after a while, get some rest and take care of our dogs.  If I have a C-Section I will probably have one of them stay back and help me.  I'm thinking that Mom will have a bag packed for herself for the hospital and refuse to leave me! LOL!!!

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  • I haven't talked to DH about it yet, I never thought about it. I'm assuming he'll want to be where ever LO is, so protective as he is over him now and I haven't even had him yet! I'm pretty sure that DH would rather not get good sleep and be with us than at home and comfy. My IL's are probably going to have our dog while I'm at the hospital, and someone will just have to check on our cat.
  • he'll stay with me at the hospital. my parents are going to watch c.
  • Fortunately we live 5 minutes from the hospital. DH will spend the day with me at the hospital. Mornings and night he will be at home with the the older kids trying to maintain their normal routine.
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  • We live far from the hospital so he's staying with me. I think being there myself would creep me out anyway. I'd assume he'd stick around if it's your first baby.
  • imagekob227:
    DH is planning on staying at the hospital the whole time with me.  There never was a discussion about it, we both just assumed that's what we would do.


  • I've always just assumed that of course he'll stay with me, but I didn't realize until I started reading this post that we haven't actually discussed it.
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  • He'll be there.  We already had to spend one night in L&D.  They had a couch/bench thingy that folded out into a bed.  It was comfy enough for him.  I hadn;t thought of the shpwer thing.  We'll see how that goes.  But I doubt I'll let him go anywhere.  This is our first baby.  I'm in AK and all my friends & fam are in Maryland.  I won;t be having any vistors and I do not wanna be alone.

    So, I was thinking the beds in the rooms were a common thing, but I guess not.  I guess AK has them in all their rooms since so many people have to come in from the "bush" and have babies.  Without beds for dads, they'd hafta go to hotels.

     Do your hospitals so a celebratory meal for dad too?

    March 21, I find out how far along we are. :)
  • DH is planning to stay both nights with me at the hospital - even after seeing the oh-so-comfy reclining chair on our tour today.  Bless that man.  But, if he decides he really needs to go home for night #2, I'm completely fine with it.
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  • Nope - not allowed.  There are no private pp rooms, so DH's are not invited.
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  • We'll just see what happens. DD was born at night and DH stayed in the room- they had a pretty comfy cot so he wasn't complaining. The 2nd night he stayed at home, for comfort and to take care of the dog. This time, I'm assuming he'll be home w/ DD for both nights but I'm sure if he needs to be at the hospital for some reason, he'll stay with me. We just want to help make DD feel like we're there for her. We're also just a few blocks from our hospital, so it's not a big deal for DH to run back and forth.
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  • DH will be home at night with the kiddos and the dogs.  We don't have family close to help out with that.  He'll be here all day though so I'm good with that.  Heck, I've been in here on bedrest for the last 26 days so what's a few more!
  • DH will sleep at the hospital with me. I sound like a baby but I have never had to stay overnight in the hospital and honestly will be so overwhelmed by birth that I think I'd have a nervous breakdown if he didn't.
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  • DH is staying at the hospital with me. I know many who dont have their DH stay with them because they have other children or just choose not to. For DH he wants to be there to help me get settled with our first baby and bond with the baby as well.
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  • We don't have any other kids, and there's no way DH will leave me and the baby overnight in the hospital. My mom's offered to stay in his place, but he's not having it.
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  • He stayed at the hospital when I had DS (which was pointless, he was too sound of a sleeper and was NO help at night), he'll go home at night this time.
  • I'm sure he'll stay. My hospital has couches that fold out into a bed and they'll give him sheets and pillows.

  • I know mine is planning on staying.  I guess I never really thought about him going home to sleep as an option.  I hope the fold out couch/chair is comfy for him. 
  • He will go home at night and come back in the morning.  We live 5 minutes from the hospital so he might as well go home and get some comfortable sleep.
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  • Mine would never consider missing any moment of his child's life in the very beginning, so he will stay with me. My parents will care for our animals.
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