DH and I were just discussing if he would stay the nights AFTER the baby is born, or just come back to the house. He will have to go back and forth anyways to take care of our indoor dog. I know people that have other kids often have to have their DH at home at night and come back to the hospital in the morning.
What is your plan? What do you think is "normal?" I don't want him to have to sleep in a hospital chair any more than he has to.
Re: Will DH stay the night at hospital?
DH is staying with me at the hospital.. I'm a c/s so i cant get out of bed for 24 hours... DS is staying with my dad and miL.... dont feel bad about having him sleep in the hospital chair/bed.... your bed isn't much more comfortable..
hope this helps!
dh and I were discussing this today as well...
He said he is going to stay the first night... but we have 2 dogs as well... I almost dont want him to stay so he can at least be home with the dogs and get a good night sleep.... that chair isnt so comfy.... we'll see
Natalie Kate - October 4, 2011
Blighted ovum, d&c at 9w, July 2012
Blighted ovum, d&c at 10w, September 2013
BFP May 28, EDD February 4, 2015
We will have my mother and step-father staying in our house (and they won't drive in TX)... so the 3 of them will be at the hopital for the delivery. If I have a normal delivery then I will want DH, Mom and Dad to go home after a while, get some rest and take care of our dogs. If I have a C-Section I will probably have one of them stay back and help me. I'm thinking that Mom will have a bag packed for herself for the hospital and refuse to leave me! LOL!!!
Big - 1 year old
Bigger - 6 years old
Biggest - 13 years old
He'll be there. We already had to spend one night in L&D. They had a couch/bench thingy that folded out into a bed. It was comfy enough for him. I hadn;t thought of the shpwer thing. We'll see how that goes. But I doubt I'll let him go anywhere. This is our first baby. I'm in AK and all my friends & fam are in Maryland. I won;t be having any vistors and I do not wanna be alone.
So, I was thinking the beds in the rooms were a common thing, but I guess not. I guess AK has them in all their rooms since so many people have to come in from the "bush" and have babies. Without beds for dads, they'd hafta go to hotels.
Do your hospitals so a celebratory meal for dad too?
big brothers 12.2009 and 02.2012
I'm sure he'll stay. My hospital has couches that fold out into a bed and they'll give him sheets and pillows.
Owen- April 2011
Olivia- Due December 24th